
Choose Nature

We need to be farming with Nature.


Grow Local, Soil & Community
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Let’s create a food future together.

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Interested to learn more about the problems we're addressing? Read our manifesto.
Greg Hart shares his vision of restoring paradise through regenerative agriculture in New Zealand. His farm is close to carbon neutral, has increased biodiversity, and optimises life, builds resilience and integrates animals. He stresses the importance of the food system in reversing global warming and restoring human health.
Soil health is complex, with physical, chemical, and biological aspects that affect fertility and ecosystem processes. Intensive agriculture and synthetic chemicals disrupt soil microbiomes, leading to degraded soil health and reduced food quality. Alternative practices like regenerative agriculture promote soil health and sustainable food production.
The Locavore lifestyle prioritises locally-sourced food because it is nutritious and delicious, and also because it supports farmers, sustainable agriculture, and community connections.
Regenerative agriculture is a holistic and sustainable farming approach that prioritises soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem resilience. It actively improves natural resources to benefit the environment and future generations.