
Deep Dive.

As advocates for regenerative farming practices, we believe that our food choices have the power to make a positive impact on the planet and local communities. In this blog series, we aim to share our knowledge and insights into sustainable food systems and the importance of promoting biodiversity and nourishing our soil.
Soil health is vital for plant and human well-being. We are what we eat eats too, notes Michael Pollan. We now know that conventional agriculture practices of artificial fertilisers and chemicals disrupt the soil microbiome, negatively impacting soil biodiversity, nutrient cycling, and food quality. It is now accepted that the ‘alternative’ practices of organic farming, regenerative and conservation agriculture, can restore soil health, enhance ecosystem services, and ultimately produce nutritious, high-quality food. Embracing a holistic approach to soil health is crucial for a sustainable future and our well-being.
Greg Hart shares his vision of restoring paradise through regenerative agriculture in New Zealand. His farm is close to carbon neutral, has increased biodiversity, and optimises life, builds resilience and integrates animals. He stresses the importance of the food system in reversing global warming and restoring human health.
A group of Earth First friends embarked on a mission to demonstrate a better food system through collaboration and ingenuity. Their success with Wagyu #1 fed 2,169 people and inspired a movement towards a more sustainable and ethical food system.
Home-kill, a traditional on-farm meat processing method, promotes animal welfare and taste. Innovative licensing of home-kill service providers broadens accessibility, and supports ethical and eco-friendly meat industry practices.
The Locavore lifestyle prioritises locally-sourced food because it is nutritious and delicious, and also because it supports farmers, sustainable agriculture, and community connections.
Regenerative agriculture is a holistic and sustainable farming approach that prioritises soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem resilience. It actively improves natural resources to benefit the environment and future generations.
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